So often we get all too caught up in the world, overly consumed in our daily activities. Trust me, I’ve been there… after working on Capitol Hill for a few years and getting so caught up in the world, I quickly realized that I needed a stress outlet. And from experience, I can say that meditation can be one of the best medicines for those who are stressed-out.
“Medi-what?” is generally the first response you might hear when recommending this activity… or perhaps you are sitting in your office chair thinking just that, as you imagine a yogi sitting on a rock in the green forest, fingertips touching. The peaceful sunlight streams down upon them, as they chant, “Ommm.”
But really, we can meditate in a lot of different ways… meditation isn’t when you try and think of nothing (come on now, that’s impossible!), it is simply the action of stilling the mind, creating peace.
For folks who are used to running around 24/7, the “never a spare second” types, and even those who have been practicing meditation for awhile, here are a few of my favorite simple ways to relax and still the mind on a daily basis.
Adding these small activities to your life – stopping to smell the roses every now and again, you will find that the stress begins to melt away.
1. Listen to Music.
Listen closely, deeply… try to hear every distinct instrument being played and feel your body softly vibrate to the hum of the music.
2. Drink Tea.
We all have our morning cup of tea, or coffee, or juice. Next time you drink your tea, instead of just gulping it down or walking it over to your computer screen, just wait.
Sit down, and drink it slowly… very slowly. Dedicate a few minutes in your morning routine to this act of drinking tea or coffee. Allow yourself to enjoy it – close your eyes and feel the liquid roll over your tongue.
3. Do Yoga.
Try it. This activity is one of the best methods for de-stressing… even if you just try one class (or one YouTube video) each week.
4. Laugh.
Start small… with a little chuckle, then watch it grow. It is contagious! The simply act of laughing (even when it is forced) relieves stress from the body.
“The joy of the LORD is my strength!” – Nehemiah 8:10
5. Take a Walk.
Whether you are taking a 15-minute break from work or a walk after the day is done, use this time to slow down. Be aware of your body, as you are not just walking, but actively placing one foot in front of the other as you inhale and exhale.
6. Be Creative.
Try painting, drawing, sewing, knitting, journaling, collaging. Set aside some time for art in your life. Take the time to truly focus on every aspect of your project. Yes, other thoughts of the day may float in and out of your mind, but simply acknowledge them then turn your attention back to your project.
7. Cook.
Obviously, one of my favorites. Just allow your mind to focus on the vegetables as you chop them up one by one, turning your focus simply to the kitchen.
8. Take Time to Eat.
Too often we just stuff our faces with lunch while sitting at our desk or mindlessly pop chip after chip into our mouths while watching television. Take time out of your day to eat – eating does not just incorporate the sense of taste. Feel the texture of your food, smell it and turn your attention to eating before simply putting food in your mouth.
9. Volunteer.
For a moment, give all of your time and attention to someone else. Do not think about the things on your schedule or what you need to get accomplished, but use your time to better the life of another.
10. Breathe.
We take so much out on our bodies. As we get stressed, we often begin to breathe faster and faster, or worse – hold our breath. Breathing can be one of the easiest ways to meditate and relax. Simply slow down, close your eyes and focus on your breath.
Inhale for 4 counts, retain for 4 counts and exhale for 4 counts. Repeat.
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